Data-driven HR: How HR is becoming a success driver and why there is no alternative to it
From over 10 years of experience in HR work, we are convinced that you can meet the ever-increasing demands of your business to HR only with the help of data-driven work.
That is why we have developed a workshop called Data-driven HR.
more information(in German, English will follow)
In our understanding, data-driven work means collecting and evaluating data according to scientific standards.
It is important to address these central challenges:
Science has to deliver an economic value.
Scientific work in companies must be economical.
Identify problems with critical relevance for your company:
- Slow recruiting for sales staff prevents turnover.
- Poor managers do not develop the potential of their employees.
- A high turnover of key employees is a cost driver.
Define projects where you can measure the success.
Only in this way can you negotiate higher budgets for your work.
The decisive factor is: How can you increase the success of your company as HR manager?
Analyze which causes make even greater success possible and formulate hypotheses, for example:
- Is the personality trait “contact strength” decisive for success if you want to hire more career changers as candidates for sales positions?
- Or: the introduction of a structured interview for all sales candidates leads to a better prediction for the later sales success.
To generate new knowledge, a culture of research and experimentation is needed.
Test your hypotheses through experiments to gather knowledge relevant to success, for example a structured interview using an A/B test:
Form two comparison groups for applicants in sales and compare the results in a specific time frame using objective key performance indicators: Salary development and sales development.
Start by turning a small wheel.
If the idea works, turn bigger wheels. Use your time today to engage with experiments in the medium and long term. In this way you secure the future of your company as a personnel manager.
Employees need know-how to work data-driven.
Invest in training for your HR employees. Find partners who understand your practical problems and offer new solutions.
The company goals are your compass.
Start with the company goals in order to ensure the relevance and profitability of your HR work and to derive the right and success-critical goals and projects.
There are numerous objections to this topic: No time, no money, no knowledge, no support.
The list could be extended at will. However, we are convinced that there is no alternative to data-driven work in HR.
Companies that make their decisions solely on the basis of their previous experience act irresponsibly in the sense that they do not test their hypotheses. The methods for experimenting are available.
Contact us if you would like to learn more about data-driven work in HR:
+49.89.6939.6173 or
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